슬럿 머신

$$$$%%슬럿머신 Las Vegas Slots Machines 규칙 ( 복권게임 )

약 1896년, 샌프란시스코한 부근에 찰스페이라는 한 사람이 처음으로 이 슬럿머신 기계를 만들어내고 점차 유명해지기 시작했습니다.처음부터 동전을 넣어 할수 있었던 이 슬럿머신은 점점 살롱, 겜블링 하우스, 여러 상점에서 자주 볼수 있게 되었습니다. (따라서, 승리자는 승리금을 상점끼리 서로 물품교환을 하곤 했습니다.– 즉 물품교역의 뜻이 생겼습니다.)

각각의 기계는 여러가지 심블로 되어있습니다.(보통 10-20개 사이,– 물론 기계마다 다름)핸들을 잡아당기시고 이 심블들이 자동적으로 멈출때까지 기다리십시오.이 심블들의 조합에 따라 받으실 수 있는 승리금도 매우 다릅니다. – 물론 배팅금액의 몇배를 더 받게 되십니다.


슬럿머신을 플레이하시기 위해서는 동전을 넣으시고 핸들을 당기시면 됩니다. (또는, SPIN 버튼을 누르시면 됩니다.) 그리고 기계가 완전히 멈출때까지 기다리신후, 나오는 심블들의 조합에 따라 승리금을 받으시게 됩니다. 각각의 기계는 $5 일수도 있고,$1 또는 $0.50 일수도 있습니다.

많은 칩을 한꺼번에 기계에 넣으실 수 있지만 한 게임에 한 칩만이 플레이됩니다.

한번에 더 많은 칩을 넣고 플레이하시려면 BET ONE 을 누르시면 됩니다. 한번에 배팅하실수 있는 칩의 최고수는 3개입니다. 게임에서COINS BET 은 얼마나 많은 동전이 배팅으로 세팅되어있는지 보여줍니다. 즉, $5 짜리 슬럿의 경우, 최고 한번에 $15 까지 플레이하실 수 있습니다. BET ONE 을 누르시면 한개의 돈전이 더 더해집니다. BET MAX 를 누르시면 최고배팅금액으로 플레이하시게 됩니다. 배팅동전숫자를 선택하시면 그이후에도 바꾸시기 전까지 같은 동전의 수가 배팅에 적용됩니다.

지불금은 각각 기계 맨위에 차트로 보여집니다. 저희는 각기다른 여러가지 슬럿게임이 있습니다. 배당지불금은 각각의 차트에 의해 , 나온 같은 모양에 따라 각기 다릅니다. 각각의 조합은 배팅하신 동전의 수에 따라, 3가지 다른 지불금을 받으실 수 있습니다. 만일, 배팅하시는 동전의 수를 바꾸시면 세로줄에서 이에 해당되는 지불금이 밝게 표시됩니다.

게임플레이를 끝내시면 COINS OUT 버튼을 누르십시오 그러면, 동전이 카지노칩으로 바꾸어집니다. 동전이 기계에서 나올때, 동전의 수와 어떤 금액에서 플레이하셨는지에 따라($0.25, $1 또는 $5)해당금액이 카지노구좌에 더해집니다.

각각의 슬럿머신은 흥미진진하고 스릴있는 게임을 제공합니다. 잊지마시고 전부 다 시도해보십시오!!


*&룰렛 Las Vegas Roulette 규칙 ( 테이블 게임 )

룰렛이란 프랑스어로 "작은 바퀴"라는 뜻에서 나옵니다. 바퀴와 관련된 게임은 수천년전부터 나오기 시작했습니다. 로마군시대때 병사들은 그들의 이륜마차를 이용하여 회전시키며 놀수 있는 게임에 관심을 보였습니다. 그리고 중세시대에 중국에서는 승려들이 바퀴와 관련된 많은 게임을 행했다고 합니다. 어쨌든, 룰렛게임은 18세기와 19세기에 유럽에서,특히 프랑스와 몬테카를로에서, 널리 퍼져있었다고 합니다.

오늘날, 룰렛은 전세계적으로 널리 알려진,흥미를 느끼실 수 있는, 그리고 그 심블로도 유명한 카지노게임중 하나입니다.

룰렛바퀴는 스핀들에서 돌며 38개의 구멍으로 나누어져 있습니다. 36개의 구멍은 1 부터 36까지의 숫자로 되어있고, 반은 검정색, 반은 빨간색으로 나누어져 있습니다. 그리고 2개의 초록색 구멍이 있는데 하나는 0 또 하나는 00 으로 되어있습니다. 룰렛은 바퀴와 작은 아이보리색 볼, 그리고 배팅 레이아웃으로 플레이 됩니다. 딜러는 한 방향으로 바퀴를 돌립니다. 그리고 작은 아이보리 볼이 바깥쪽에서 바퀴반대방향으로 돌다가 배팅이 끝나게 되면 바퀴안으로 들어와 여러번 돌게 됩니다. 그리고 서서히 돌다가 멈추게 됩니다.

이 황홀한 게임은 여러가지 많은 방법으로 배팅을 할수 있게 만들며, 스릴과 흥분을 가져다 줍니다.


플레이어는 레이아웃 테이블에 있는 여러가지 번호에 배팅을 하게 됩니다.레이아웃 테이블에 총합이 최저배팅금액을 넘게 되면 볼은 바퀴안으로 던져집니다. 그리고 볼이 멈추게 되면 모든 배팅하신 금액이 지불됩니다.

한 플레이어는 한 라운드게임에서 최고배팅액을 넘을수 없습니다. 최저배팅액과 최고배팅액은 화면 오른쪽 하단부에 표시됩니다.

진 배팅은 레이아웃으로부터 없어지고 이긴 배팅은 아래에 있는 표와 같이 지불됩니다:

배팅이 놓였던곳:(이긴 자리)

지불되는 배당률

안쪽 배팅 배당지불금
싱글숫자 35:1
Split (두번호) 17:1
세로줄 (세 번호) 11:1
트리플 11:1
코너 (네 번호) 8:1
탑 5:( 0, 00, 1, 2, 3) 6:1
근접한 두개의 세로줄 (여섯 번호) 5:1

바깥쪽 배팅 배당지불금
첫번째, 두번째,그리고 세 번째 컬럼 (12개의 번호) 2:1
첫번째, 두번째,그리고 세 번째 더즌 2:1
빨강 또는 검정 1:1
홀수 또는 짝수 1:1
작은수(1-18) 또는 높은수(9-18) 1:1
안쪽배팅 은 레이아웃 테이블 안의 숫자에 배팅을 놓는 것을 말합니다.

싱글 — 배팅은 각각의 숫자에 배팅을 하는것입니다.(예를 들어, 00, 4,23, 또는 35).싱글배팅에서 이기시면 35:1 로 지불됩니다.
Split — 배팅은 두 번호사이에서 배팅을 하는것입니다.(예를 들어, 2 & 3, 또는 13 &16). 만일,공이 이두 번호중 하나와 일치하면, 17:1 로 지불됩니다.
세로줄 — 배팅은 가로줄, 3개의 숫자에 첫번 세로줄에 배팅하는것입니다.(예를 들어, 7,8,9). 만일 나온 숫자가 세번호중 어느 하나일때 이기시며, 지불되는 배당금은 11:1 입니다.
트리플 – 트리플은 3개의 숫자가 같게 되는것입니다. 유일한 트리플배팅은 (0, 2, 00) 교차에 배팅하시는 것입니다.만일 공이 이 세가지중 하나에 일치하게 나온다면 지불금은 11 대 1 입니다.
코너 — 배팅은 네번호의 한코너에 배팅하는 것입니다. (예를 들어, 19,20,22,23). 만일, 공이 네 번호중 하나와 일치하게 되면 지불금을 8:1 로 받으실 수 있습니다.
탑 5 —격자중 처음 5개의 번호(0,00,1,2,3) 를 뜻합니다. 만일, 공이 이 다섯개 번호중 하나와 일치하면 지불금이 6:1 로 지불됩니다. 배팅하시기 위해선, 칩을 왼쪽 가로줄격자, (0,00과 1,2,3 이 갈라지는 곳)에 놓으시면 됩니다.
스트리트 — 는 두개의 인접한 줄에놓인 6개의 숫자입니다. (즉,가로줄이 두 세로줄과 갈라짐,예를 들어, 28,29,30,31,32,33등이 스트리트를 만듬)만일, 공이 이 스트리트의 어느 하나라도 일치하게 되면 지불금을 5:1 로 받게됩니다. 스트리트배팅을 하시려면 왼쪽격자코너 가로줄에 배팅을 놓으시면 됩니다.
바깥쪽 배팅 은 레이아웃테이블바깥쪽의 숫자에 배팅을 놓으시면 됩니다. 이는 다음을 포함합니다:
컬럼 — 격자안의 숫자 세로 컬럼.(예를 들어, 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36) .님께서는 컬럼 맨아래 격자바깥에 배팅을 놓으십시오. 나온 숫자가 컬럼안의 어떤 숫자와도 일치하면 지불금을 2:1 로 받으실 수 있습니다.
더즌 — 첫번, 두번째, 세번째 더즌 0 이아닌 번호(1-12, 13-24, 25-36, 각각) 만일, 공이 나왔을때, 어떤 한 더즌의 어떤 숫자이건,지불금을 2:1 로 받으실 수 있습니다.
빨강/검정 — 이길 숫자가 빨강일지 또는 검정일지에 대해 배팅하는 것입니다. 이기시게 되면 1:1 로 지불됩니다.
홀수/짝수 — 이길 숫자가 홀수일지 또는 짝수일지(0,00 제외)에 대해 배팅하는 것입니다. 이기시게 되면 1:1 로 지불됩니다.
높은수/작은수 — 이길 숫자가 작은수 집단일지(1-18) 또는 큰수 집단일지(19-36)에 대해 배팅하는 것입니다. 이기시게 되면 1:1 로 지불됩니다.
예를 들어, 싱글숫자 배팅에 $20을 거시면(배당지불금 35:1),님은 원래배팅액 $20 에 35배를 더한($700) 금액과 원래 배팅금액, 총 $720을 받으시게 됩니다. 만일, 빨강색에 $100 을 배팅하셔서 이기시면(배당지불금 1:1) 총, $200 을 받으시게 됩니다.
플레이어는 한라운드당, 최고배팅수를 넘지 못하십니다. 룰렛은 두 세트의 최고한계가 있습니다: 첫째가 안쪽 배팅이고 둘째는 바깥쪽 배팅입니다.(아래 배팅타입테이블을 참조하십시오.) 최저와 최고 한계는 화면 아래중앙에 보여집니다. 한 라운드당,님께서는 한개이상의 배팅에 참가하실 수 있습니다.

룰렛에서의 배팅타입 테이블

안쪽 배팅
Split (두번호)
세로줄 (세 번호)
코너 (네 번호)
탑 5:( 0, 00, 1, 2, 3)
근접한 두개의 세로줄 (여섯 번호)

바깥쪽 배팅
첫번째, 두번째,그리고 세 번째 컬럼 (12개의 번호)
첫번째, 두번째,그리고 세 번째 더즌
빨강 또는 검정
홀수 또는 짝수
작은수(1-18) 또는 높은수(9-18)
레이아웃 테이블에 놓여진 칩은 각각의 배팅에 대한 예입니다.*****

블랙잭 21

@@@@블랙잭 21 ( 카드게임 )

블랙잭은 16세기 프랑스에서 프랑스어 뱅-에-엉 (20 과 1) 또는 "21" 이라는 이름으로 시작되어 널리 퍼졌습니다. 블랙잭이라는 이름으로 알려지기시작한 것은 플레이어가 첫번과 두번째 카드에 스페이드에이스,스페이드잭을 갖고 있게 되면서 불려지기 시작했습니다.

이 게임은 숫자총합이 21 에 가장 가까운 사람이 이기는 것입니다.물론 21 을 넘기면 안됩니다.

손님께서는 손님의 걸 돈을 가운데 동그라미에 놓으십시요. 딜러는 두장의 카드를 숫자가 보이게 나누어 줍니다. 그리고 딜러의 카드는 한장만 보여줍니다.

저희 블랙잭 게임은 멀티 플레이어게임입니다. 즉, 3명이 동시에 같이 플레이할 수 있기때문에 원하시는 자리도 중앙, 또는 왼쪽, 오른쪽 어디든지 가능합니다. 이러한 구조때문인지 저희 블랙잭 게임은 매우 인기있으며 돈을 따실 수 있는 기회도 좀더 많아집니다.

K,Q,J, 그리고 10은 10 으로 계산합니다.
에이스(A)는 1 또는 11로 손님이 원하시는 대로 계산됩니다.
나머지 카드는 자신의 숫자 그대로 계산합니다
첫 두장의 카드가 각각 에이스(A)와 10 에 해당하는 카드를 받으면 블랙잭 입니다. 만약 딜러가 블랙잭을 가지고 있지 않다면 손님은 배팅하신 금액의 1.5 배를 받으십니다. – 그렇지 않은 다른 경우엔,배팅을 가져가지도 지불되지도 않습니다. 모든 이긴배팅은 똑같이 배분됩니다. (1:1)

블랙잭은 카드 총합 21보다 우세합니다. 예를 들어,에이스와 카드10 은 10,5, 6 의 총합보다 우세합니다. 그 이유는 총합 21이라도 블랙잭이 이기게 되는 것입니다.

귀하께서 블랙잭을 가지고 계시지 않아도 21과 비슷한 숫자를 만들기 위해 계속 카드를 받을실 수 있습니다.하지만 21이 넘지는 말아야 합니다. 만약에 21을 넘으시면 귀하께선 "bust"가 되고 배팅하신 것을 잃게 됩니다.

딜러는 16 이하의 숫자를 가지고 있을 때는 무조건 hit을 해야 하고, 17 이상일 경우에는 스탠드 해야 합니다.

블랙잭 용어

원하시는 만큼의 칩을 배팅하십시오.

먼저번에 배팅한 것과 같은 금액의 칩을 배팅하십시오.

"DEAL" 을 누르시면 게임이 시작됩니다. 배팅금액을 정하시고 배팅하십시오.

카드를 추가로 가져오는것

더 이상 카드를 받지않는것

손님께서 같은 숫자의 카드를 받으셨다면 (예: 두개의 8 들, King, Queen,등) 그것 두장을 나누어 추가 카드를 받아서 두번 플레이를 하실 수 있습니다. 이렇게 플레이를 하실 적에 에이스(A)와 10 을 합한 값의 "21"을 받으셔도 블랙잭은 아닙니다. –다시 말해, 1.5배로 승리금이 지불되지 않습니다. 하지만, 딜러가 20또는 20이하를 갖고있을때, 딜러에 대항해 이깁니다. 그리고 만일, 두장의 에이스를 나누어가졌을때,플레이어는 오직 한 에이스에 대해 한 번만 새 카드를 뽑을수 있습니다.

DOUBLE 을 하실 때는 오직 한장의 추가 카드만을 받을실 수 있습니다. 블랙잭에선 불가합니다.

딜러가 에이스를 가지고 있는 것을 알면 손님께선 보험을 들으실 수 있습니다. 그럴 경우 내셔야 하는 금액은 배팅하신 것의 반입니다. 손님께서 보험을 드시는 이유는 딜러의 안 보이는 카드가 10 에 해당되는 숫자, 즉 블랙잭일 것 같기 때문입니다. 만약 딜러가 블랙잭일 경우 보험이 2대1로 지불합니다. 만약 딜러가 지게 되면 게임은 보통과 같이 진행됩니다. 블랙잭은 숫자를 더해 만든 "21"도 이깁니다.

이 게임에서는 보험을 하실수 없습니다. 만일 패스를 누르셨고 딜러가 블랙잭이 있다면, 플레이어는 배팅한 돈을 잃게 되고 게임이 끝납니다.(만일, 플레이어또한 블랙잭이 있다면 다르지만,이경우, 푸쉬가 됩니다.)만일 딜러가 블랙잭이 없다면 이 게임은 지속됩니다.

식보(식 보우)

!@@@식 보우

식 보, 즉 때로는 타이사이라고 불리는 이 게임은 고대 중국에서 유래되었습니다.이는 그릇안에서 두개의 주사위를 흔들어 사용되었습니다. 하지만 오늘날에는 통안의 3개의 주사위를 사용하여 행해집니다. 아시아쪽에서는 매우 유명한 게임중 하나이며 전세계 많은 카지노에서 널리 사랑받고 있습니다.

식 보 게임은 아주 간단합니다. 주사위에서 굴려져나올 숫자 또는 숫자들을 선택하시면 됩니다.이 게임에서는 50가지 다른 배팅방법이 있습니다. 따라서, 지불금도 매우 다릅니다. – 예를 들어높은 지불방식은 180 대 1 도 있습니다.

플레이하기 위해서
테이블 가장자리의 있는 칩을 선택하십시오.
칩을 놓고 배팅하시기 위해 테이블에 있는 왼쪽을 클릭하시기 바랍니다. 오른쪽을 클릭하시면 칩이 제거됩니다.
배팅액을 놓으셨으면 스핀을 클릭하십시오.
몇초간 주사위가 굴러가게 됩니다. 그리고 그 이후에 결과를 보실수 있습니다.
다시 배팅하기를 누르시고 같은 금액을 다시 같은 위체에 다시 배팅하시거나 새로 다시 고치시고 배팅하십시오.
다시 플레이하기위해서 스핀을 누르십시오.
저희 식 보 테이블은 다음과 같은 종류의 배팅을 제공합니다.(위부터 아래까지):
스몰배팅은 3개의 주사의의 합이 4에서 10사이일때(11이하) 이기시게 됩니다.지불금은 1 대 1입니다.(트리플, 즉 1 이 세개 또는 2가 세개 또는 3이 세 개, )트리플이 있는경우, 지게 됩니다. 3개 주사의의 합이 11이하일 경우는 108가지이며 트리플은 오직 3가지 경우만 가능합니다.
스페시픽 더블
스페시픽 더블배팅에서 이기시려면 3가지 주사위중 2가지가 선택하신 더블이어야 합니다.지불금은 10대 1입니다. 6개의 더불배팅을 선택하실 수 있습니다.만일 3번째의 주사위도 또한 스페시픽 더블숫자가 되면(즉 다시말해 트리플이 되면)이때도 여전히 이 게이에서 이기십니다.
스페시픽 트리플
스페시픽 트리플에서 이기시려면 3개의 주사위 모두가 님께서 선택하신 스페시기 트리플 숫자이어야 합니다. 지불금은 180 대 1입니다.6가지의 스페시픽 트리플 배팅을 선택하실 수 있습니다.

애니 트리플
애니 트리플배팅에서 이기시려면, 3개의 주사위가 똑같은 숫자로 나와야 합니다. 물론 이 숫자는 어떤 숫자이어도 상관없습니다. 지불금은 30 대 1입니다.

빅 배팅(10 초과)
빅배팅은 3개의 주사의의 합이 11 에서 17사이일때(10 초과) 이기시게 됩니다.지불금은 1 대 1입니다.(트리플, 즉 4가 세개 또는 5가 세개 또는 6이 세 개, )트리플이 있는경우, 지게 됩니다. 3개 주사의의 합이 10초과일 경우는 108가지이며 트리플은 오직 3가지 경우만 가능합니다.

스페시픽 토탈
스페시픽 토탈배팅에서 이기시려면,3개의 주사위의 합이 선택하신 숫자와 같아야 합니다. 어떤 숫자를 선택하시느냐에 따라 지불금은 6대1 이거나 60 대 1 입니다. 14가지의 스페시픽 토탈배팅을 선택하실수 있습니다.(4부터 17까지) 스핀을 하시면 어떤 숫자가 나오느냐에 따라 우승이 가려집니다.

페어매치배팅에서 이기시려면 3개의 주사위중 2개가 선택하신 페어를 만족시켜야 합니다. 지불금은 5 대 1 입니다. 15 가지의 페어매치를 선택하실 수 있습니다. 노트:만일, 결과가 1,4,5 가 나타났을때, 이는 1&4, 1&5 그리고 4&5 에서 이기시게 됩니다.

숫자 배팅
만일 님께서 번호가 매겨진 박스의 "숫자배팅" 에서 배팅을 하신다면 (테이블 아래쪽의 큰 주사위에 1,2,3,,4, 5, 6 이라고 씌어짐) 던져진 3개의 주사위에서 어떤 숫자가 나오는지에 따라 지불금을 받으시게 됩니다.

매칭숫자 지불금
3개중 1개(싱글) 1:1
3개중 2개(더블) 2:1
3개중 3개 (트리플) 10:1
따라서,3개의 주사위 모두가 숫자 4를 나타나면 어떤 배팅이든 숫자 4를 나타낸 경우, 지불금은 10 대 1 입니다. 물론 원하시는 모든 다른 숫자에 배팅하실 수 있습니다.


배팅종류 지불금 최고배팅
스몰배팅(11미만) 1:1 100
스페시픽 더블 10:1 100
스페시픽 트리플 180:1 10
애니 트리플 30:1 50
빅 배팅(10 초과) 1:1 100
총합=4 60:1 25
총합=5 30:1 50
총합=6 18:1 75
총합=7 12:1 100
총합=8 8:1 100
총합=9 7:1 100
총합=10 6:1 100
총합=11 6:1 100
총합=12 7:1 100
총합=13 8:1 100
총합=14 12:1 100
총합=15 18:1 100
총합=16 30:1 50
총합=17 60:1 25
페어매치 5:1 100
싱글 – 숫자 1:1 100
더블 – 숫자 2:1 100
트리플 – 숫자 10:1 100

Spin 은 주사위가 굴려지기위해 행해집니다. 최소한가지 배팅이 있으면 스핀이 시작됩니다.

Re-Bet 이란, 먼저번 게임의 같은 배팅종류와 같은 배팅금액이 실행되는 것을 말합니다.

Clear 버튼은 테이블위의 모든 배팅이 사라지고 님의 남아있는 칩이 모두 님의 구좌로 돌아오게 되는 것을 뜻합니다.

칩 칩은 테이블 가장 자리에 위치합니다. 칩을 클릭하시면 칩의 가치가 결정됩니다. 배팅하는곳의 왼쪽을 클릭하시면 칩이 놓여지게 됩니다. 또 왼쪽부분을 클릭하시면 다른 칩이 더 놓여지게 됩니다. 오른쪽부분의 클릭은 칩이 제거되게 됩니다.

레이아웃 테이블레이아웃은 여러가지 종류의 배팅을 보여줍니다. 배팅하시는곳의 왼쪽을 누르시면 배팅이 되고 오른쪽을 누르시면 칩이 제거됩니다. 마우스를 이용하여 여러가지의 배팅을 보실 수 있지만 아래중앙에서 모든 배팅종류가 보이게 됩니다.


@@@@@바카라 ( 카드게임 )

바카라는 랜 플레밍에 의한 제임스본드 소설,카지노 로얄 에서 나온 흥미진진한 카드게임입니다. 처음 이 게임이 시작된 것은 중세시대 이태리라고 합니다. 그 이름또한, 이태리어의 "영"이라는 의미랍니다. 왜냐하면 사람이 그려져 있는 카드와 다른 카드게임에서 높은 수를 갖고 있는 숫자10 – 이 이 게임에서는 "0"을 나타냅니다. 이 게임은 그이후, 프랑스 상류층으로 흡수되어 많이 애용되었습니다. 오늘날, 많은 하이롤러플레이어님들이 이 게임을 애용하시며 전세계적으로 널리 퍼져 있습니다.

이 게임은 누가 가진 카드 두장("플레이어" 또는 "뱅커")이 9에 가장 가깝게 되는 것인지입니다. 따라서, 딜러또는 플레이어, 또는 비김에 배팅하실 수 있습니다.

@@@딜링과 스코어

바카라는 여덟 벌의 카드로 게임을 합니다. 카드를 돌릴때 첫번째와 세번째 카드는 "플레이어"의 것이고, 두번째와 네번째의 카드는 "뱅커"의 것입니다.플레이어와 뱅커는 각각 카드 2개씩을 받습니다. 그러나 세개 이상은 받지 않습니다.

@@@카드의 총합이:

사람이 그려져있는 카드와 숫자가 10 인 카드는 0으로 칩니다
에이스(A)는 1, 그리고 다른 숫자들은 그 숫자의 수대로 칩니다
그리고 다른 숫자들은 그 숫자의 수대로 칩니다
스코어는 갖고 있는 카드총합의 한자리 숫자의 숫자입니다. 즉,카드 8과 9를 갖고 있을 경우, 8+9=17 입니다. 따라서, 즉 이때 합은 7입니다. 그러므로 사람이 그려져있는 카드와 숫자 10은 0 으로 치게 됩니다. 어제나 바카라에서 숫자의 범위는 0에서 9 사이입니다. 블랙잭과는 많이 다릅니다.
스코어의 예:

예1:9+0=9, 여기에서의 총합은 9 입니다.

예2: 4+0+9=13, 여기에서의 총합은 3 입니다.

이 게임은 카드의 총합이 9에 가장 가까운 사람이 이기는 것이기 때문에 숫자 8 나 숫자 9을 갖는 것은 매우 행운입니다. 만일,처음과 두번째에 주어지는 카드가 8 또는 9일때, 이는 내츄럴 이 되고 더이상 카드가 주어지지 않게 됩니다. 내츄럴 8 을 이길 수 있는 오직 한 카드는 "내츄럴 9"일 뿐입니다.

게임 플레이

두장의 카드가 각각 플레이어와 뱅커에게 갑니다. 이둘중 어느 한 카드를 가진 사람이 내츄럴을 하게 되면 그 사람이 이깁니다. 만일 두장 모두가 내츄럴이 되면 더 놓은 숫자를 가진 사람이 이깁니다. 만일 같은 숫자로 내츄럴이 되었다면 비김 이 됩니다.

만일 플레이어나 뱅커, 둘다 내츄럴이 아닐 경우는 게임은 플레이어한테로 갑니다.

플레이어의 총합이 6 또는 7일경우,스탠드입니다.(카드를 받지 못합니다.) 만일 총합이 6보다 적은 경우, 플레이어는 한 카드를 뽑고,3카드를 더한 총합이 다시 나옵니다.

플레이어 규칙

플레이어 첫번, 두번째 카드 총합: 플레이어 액션
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 드로우(카드뽑기)
6, 7 스탠드
8, 9 스탠드(내츄럴)
자 이젠 뱅커의 차례입니다. 플레이어의 총합이 6또는 7일경우, 스탠드입니다.(즉 새 카드를 뽑을수 없습니다.)이때, 뱅커는 총합이,0,1,2,3,4,5 일 경우, 새 카드를 뽑을 수 있고 6이나 7일경우, 스탠드입니다.
뱅커를 위한 규칙(플레이어의 총합이 6또는 7일경우)

뱅커의 첫번, 두번째 카드의 총합이: 뱅커 액션
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 드로우(카드뽑기)
6, 7 스탠드
8, 9 스탠드(내츄럴)
하지만, 플레이어가 세번째 카드를 뽑았을 경우, 뱅커는 총합이 7일때는 스탠드이지만 총합이 6또는 그이하일경우, 스탠드하거나 드로우(새로 카드뽑기)할수 있습니다 .(플레이어의 세번째 카드의 숫자에 따라) 다음은 뱅커가 드로우하거나 스탠드할수 있는 경우입니다:
뱅커 규칙(플레이어가 세번째 카드를 뽑을 경우)

스코어 플레이어의 세번째 카드
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 S S S S S S S S S S
6 S S S S S S D D S S
5 S S S S D D D D S S
4 S S D D D D D D S S
3 D D D D D D D D S D
2 D D D D D D D D D D
1 D D D D D D D D D D
0 D D D D D D D D D D
S = 스탠드 D = 드로우(카드뽑기)
카드총합이 9에 가장 가까운 사람이 이깁니다.
배당지불금은 1:1 로 나갑니다.
승리한 뱅커의 배당지불금은 1:1 로 나갑니다. 하지만, 이긴 뱅커의 배팅은 5% 커미션을 하우스에 지불하게 됩니다. 언제나 뱅커에 배팅하시는 경우, 뱅커가 이길 경우, 5%의 커미션을 제하게 되고 승리금을 받으시게 됩니다.
만일, 뱅커와 플레이어의 총합이 같게 되면 이는 비긴 것입니다. 그리고 이 경우, 지불은 8:1입니다. 비기는 경우, 뱅커와 플레이어에 한 배팅은 지불되지도 가져가지도 않습니다.

how to play Vegas Craps

#############Online Casino Las Vegas Craps Rules — History

Games of chance involving "dice" have been around since the dawn of civilization. The earliest dice were probably shaped from animal bone or carved from hardwoods like ebony and oak. We know that Roman soldiers tossed pig knuckles onto their shields more than two thousand years ago in a game some called "bones". But where did Craps come from - and how did it get that name?

The answer to both questions is certainly open to debate, but here is one take on the convoluted journey from pig knuckles to a casino classic:

Arabs adopted the Legionnaire's pastime of "throwing the bones" (tossing dice) when they expanded into former Roman provinces. They called their small, numbered cubes "azzahr". At some time during trade with Europeans in the Middle Ages, this dice game came back across the Mediterranean to be adopted by the French as "hasar" or "hasard". During the interminable wars between France and England during the 13th and 14th Centuries, English knights brought the game home as "hazard" - meaning to take a chance or to put at risk (as in "hazard a guess").

As the English played the game, they called the lowest roll "crabs". In the aftermath of yet another war, French soldiers picked up this variation from their English prisoners but, maintaining their linguistic independence, used the French word "crabes". Early in the 18th Century, French colonists took the game to the Canadian wilderness. As England extended its reach north from the American colonies, some of the displaced French-speaking Canadians migrated to Louisiana where, by the end of the century, a simplified version of Hazard lost its English name and became known simply as "creps", the Cajun spelling of crabes.

As Cajun riverboat men journeyed up the Mississippi, the venerable dice game was again introduced to English speakers, this time American frontiersmen, who adopted the game and corrupted the name to "craps". As Americans spread out across the West, they made craps a mainstay of every saloon and casino in the land. After the U.S. Civil War, a dice maker introduced an innovation that made imperfectly manufactured dice a non-issue: players could bet for or against the roller. As the popularity of craps continued to grow, various bets (like the Hardways and Horn bets) were incorporated to add some spice and give players more ways to win.

Today, craps is one of the most popular games in any casino. Craps tables are easy to spot on the casino floor - they're the ones where large crowds have gathered round to watch the thrilling action in rapt fascination.

Casino Craps Rules — Overview

In Craps, a shooter throws a pair of dice to establish a Point - and bets are made as to whether the shooter can repeat the Point before a 7 is rolled.

The series of throws to establish and repeat the Point is called a round. Each round starts on a Come Out roll. This is the roll where the shooter attempts to establish the Point. A pair of dice can make totals ranging from 2 () to 12 (), but only totals of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 can be the Point. Totals of 2 (snake eyes), 3 (cross eyes) and 12 (box cars) are called craps, but a total of 7 or 11 is called a natural.

During Come Out, rolling craps or a natural will immediately end the round, whereas a total of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 establish the Point to keep the round open. If the Point is established, we move into the midgame part of the round and the shooter continues to throw the dice until either the Point is rolled again or a total of 7 is rolled - either of which will end the round.

There can be any number of throws between the Come Out roll and the end of the round. If a 7 comes before the Point, the shooter sevens out and the dice are passed to another player for the start of the next round. On the other hand, if the shooter hits the Point, he or she can elect to keep rolling for the next round. A shooter who rolls a 2, 3 or 12 on the Come Out roll craps out and passes the dice to the next player. Rolling a natural on Come Out (7 or 11) lets the shooter keep the dice for another Come Out roll.

There are a variety of bets that can be made on each throw, some are conditional and some are bets against a specific result. Some bets can stay on the table for the entire round, some bets span rounds and some are only viable for a single throw. All the variability makes craps interesting, fascinating and fun to play.

The best way to start playing Craps is with a Pass Line bet on the Come Out roll. A 7 or 11 on Come Out make it an immediate winner, paying 1-to-1. If a Point is established, then the Pass Line bet will pay 1-to-1 if the Point is repeated before a 7. The next section explains all bet options in detail.

Casino Craps Rules — Bet Options

Pass Line — Also known as the Front Line, a Pass Line bet wagers that the shooter will roll the Point before a 7. To qualify, you must place your Pass Line bet before the Come Out roll. (The dealer will announce "Place your bets for the Come Out roll." to let you know when you can make a Pass Line bet.) A natural Come Out roll (i.e. a 7 or an 11) is an immediate winner for the Pass Line bet. If the Come Out roll craps out (with a 2, 3 or 12) the Pass Line loses.

Any other Come Out result (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) becomes the Point, and a puck labeled ON is positioned above the corresponding numbered column to indicate that the Point has been established. When the Puck is ON, Pass Line bets win if that Point is rolled and lose if a 7 is rolled. Winning bets pay 1-to-1.

Unresolved Pass Line bets may not be modified or removed; they are committed until the end of the round. Once the Point is established, only another roll of the Point or a roll of 7 can end the round. When the puck is flipped to OFF and moved back to the upper left-hand corner of the table, you know the round has ended and the next roll will be a Come Out roll.

Don't Pass Bar — Also known as the Back Line, the Don't Pass is the opposite of Pass: it wins if the shooter rolls a 7 before the Point, and loses when the Point comes up before a 7. To qualify, it must be placed in the Don't Pass bar prior to the Come Out roll. On Come Out, Don't Pass wins on 2 or 3, loses on 7 or 11 and is a push on 12 - any other number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) establishes the point. Winning bet pays 1-to-1.

Come Bet — Available once the Point has been established, the operation of Come Bets is similar to Pass Line bets. Come Bets win if the next roll is a natural (7 or 11) and lose if it's craps (2, 3 or 12). Any other total (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) becomes the Come Point, and the Come Bet is committed to that number until it or a 7 is rolled. There is no puck for Come Points, so the Come bet is moved from the Come bar to the box corresponding to the Come Point. Thereafter, the Come bet wins if the Come Point is rolled before a 7, and loses if a 7 is rolled before the Come Point. Winning bet pays 1-to-1.

Once committed to a Come Point, the Come Bet will stay in place until the Come Point or a 7 is rolled. Unresolved Come Bets may not be removed or modified - they must be resolved by a roll of the Come Point or a 7. Thus, a Come Bet will persist after the end of a round if the round is concluded by a roll of the Point (when the Point is a different number than the Come Point). If the round is concluded by a 7, all Come Bets lose.

During a round of Craps, you can make as many Come bets as you like. Note that when you place a Come bet and the next roll matches an existing Come Point, the pre-existing Come bet is resolved as a win, and the new Come bet is moved up to take its place in the Come Point box.

Don't Come Bet — Don't Come bets are available once the Point has been established. They are similar to Don't Pass bets and the opposite of Come bets: they win when the next roll is a 2 or 3, lose on 7 or 11 and push on 12. If a Come Point is established (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10), the Don't Come bet is moved to the top box corresponding to the Come Point number. From then on, the Don't Come bet wins if a 7 is rolled before the Come Point, and loses if the Come Point is rolled. Once established by a Come Point, Don't Come bets will stay in place until resolved (therefore they may also persist beyond the end of a round), but unlike Come Bets they may be removed or modified prior to being resolved. Winning bet pays 1-to-1.

Field Bet — A Field Bet is a special one roll bet that wins if the total on the next roll is among the numbers shown in the Field box (2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12), and loses if the roll is a 5, 6, 7 or 8. It pays even money on 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11, and pays double on 2 and 12. Field Bets can be placed before any roll.

Big 6 and Big 8 Bets — A Big 6 is a bet that a 6 will be rolled before a 7, and a Big 8 bets that an 8 will be rolled before a 7. Big bets pay even money if the shooter rolls their respective number before a 7 and lose if a 7 is rolled first. Big bets are active during the Come Out roll as well as any other roll, and they may persist beyond the end of a round (i.e. when a round ends on a Point roll of 4, 5, 9 or 10). They may be placed, modified or removed at any time before any roll.

Place Bets — With Place Bets you are either betting for or against a specific point number to appear before a 7. Place Bets may persist beyond a round and are always active, even during the Come Out roll. They may be placed, modified or removed at any time before any roll.

Place to Win — This bets that the chosen number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will appear before a 7. The bet is placed in the bottom box for a given number as indicated by the Place Bets: To Win label. Place to Win bets are resolved according to the following table:
Bet Win On Lose On Win Pays No Action On
4 4 7 9:5 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 5 7 7:5 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6 6 7 7:6 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
8 8 7 7:6 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
9 9 7 7:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
10 10 7 9:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Place Against — This bets that a 7 will appear before the indicated number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10), thus placing the bet against that number. The bet is placed in the second highest box for a given number as indicated by the Place Bets: Against label. Place Against bets are resolved according to the following table:

Bet Win On Lose On Win Pays No Action On
4 7 4 5:11 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 7 5 5:8 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6 7 6 4:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
8 7 8 4:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
9 7 9 5:8 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
10 7 10 5:11 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Buy Bets — A Buy bet wagers that the indicated number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) will appear before a 7 is rolled. Buy bets are similar to Place to Win bets in that they win if the chosen number appears before a 7. The difference is that winning Buy bets pay true odds after a 5% vigorish (fee) is taken from the wager amount. Unlike most casinos that collect vigorish when you place your bet, we don't collect it until you win. Buy bets may persist beyond a round and they are always active - even during the Come Out roll. They may be placed, modified or removed at any time before any roll. Buy bets are resolved according to the following table:

Bet Win On Lose On Win Pays No Action On
4 4 7 less 5%, 2:1 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 5 7 less 5%, 3:2 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6 6 7 less 5%, 6:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
8 8 7 less 5%, 6:5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
9 9 7 less 5%, 3:2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
10 10 7 less 5%, 2:1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

Lay Bets — A Lay bet wagers that a 7 will appear before the indicated number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10), thus you lay against the number. In that sense, Lay bets are similar to Place Against bets. The difference is that winning Lay bets pay true odds, less a 5% vigorish (fee) on the net winnings. Lay bets may persist beyond a round and they are always active - even during the Come Out roll. They may be placed, modified or removed at any time before any roll. Lay bets are resolved according to the following table:

Bet Win On Lose On Win Pays No Action On
4 7 4 1:2 less 5% 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 7 5 2:3 less 5% 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6 7 6 5:6 less 5% 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
8 7 8 5:6 less 5% 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
9 7 9 2:3 less 5% 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
10 7 10 1:2 less 5% 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Hardways — These are bets that the shooter will roll the indicated number (4, 6, 8 or 10) as a matched pair (doubles, i.e. the hard way) before either a 7 or the indicated number the easy way (i.e. not as a double. For example: a Six as 5+1or 4+2 rather than as a 3+3). Hardway bets are always active - even during the Come Out roll. They may be placed, modified or removed at any time before any roll. Hardway bets are resolved according to the following table:

Bet Win On Lose On Win Pays No Action On
4 Hard 4 7 or Easy 4 8 for 1 (7:1) 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
6 Hard 6 7 or Easy 6 10 for 1 (9:1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
8 Hard 8 7 or Easy 8 10 for 1 (9:1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
10 Hard 10 7 or Easy 10 8 for 1 (7:1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
One Roll Bets — This is a group of high payout bets that are valid for one roll only, thus they do not persist beyond the next roll. They may be placed, modified or removed before any roll.

Any Seven — Bets that the next roll will be a 7, made from any combination (1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1). If a 7 comes up on the next roll, bet pays 5 for 1 (4-to-1). Loses on any other number.
Any Craps — Bets that one of the craps numbers (2, 3 or 12) will hit on the next roll (can be any roll, doesn't need to be a Come Out roll). Winning bet pays 8 for 1 (7-to-1). Bet loses if any number other than 2, 3 or 12 comes up on the next roll.

C & E Bets — The C bet is just another way to place an Any Craps bets. Clicking any C spot will place that bet on the lowermost C, and it pays 8 for 1 (7-to-1) on any craps (2, 3 or 12) and loses on all other numbers. Similarly, the E Eleven or Yo bet is just another way to place an 11 Horn bet (5+6 or 6+5). Clicking any E spot will place that bet on the lowermost E, and it pays 16 for 1 (15-to-1) if the next roll is 11 and loses on all other numbers.

C & E Split — Placing a chip on the horizontal bar connecting the C and E spots allows you to cover both Any Craps and Any Eleven bets with a single wager. Clicking any C-E bar will place that bet on the topmost C-E bar. Bet wins if 2, 3, 11 or 12 appear on the next roll, and loses on any other result. Winning bet pays 4 for 1 (3-to-1) on craps (2, 3 or 12) or 8 for 1 (7-to-1) on Yo (11).

Specific Horn Bets — Bets that the next roll of the dice will be a 2, 3, 11 or 12 as indicated by the bet location showing that number total from two dice. Specific Horn bets are resolved on the next roll of the dice according to the following table:

Bet Win On Win Pays Lose On
2 2 31 for 1 (30:1) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
3 3 16 for 1 (15:1) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
11 11 16 for 1 (15:1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
12 12 31 for 1 (30:1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Horn Bet 2 or 12
3 or 11 31 for 4 (27:4)

16 for 4 (12:4) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10
4-Way Horn Bet — Placing chips in the box marked Horn Bet covers all four individual Horn bets with a single wager (must be a multiple of 4). If either a 2 or 12 hits on the next roll, the wager will be paid 31 for 4 (27-to-4), or if either a 3 or 11 comes up on the next roll, it pays 16 for 4 (12-to-4). This is an easy way of covering all four horn bets with a single click, and is equivalent to placing 1/4th of the wager in each of the four individual Horn Bet locations.

Supplemental Bets — Supplemental bets (known as Odds bets) are back-up bets on existing Line bets (i.e. Pass, Don't Pass, Come or Don't Come). They are conditional in that the Point (or Come Point) must be established (e.g. you can't place a Pass Odds or Don't Pass Odds bet during Come Out) and you must already have a pending Line bet in order to take up the Odds for that Line. The maximum Odds bet is 3x the existing Line bet. As a backup bet, an Odds bet wins only if its corresponding Line bet wins and it loses when its Line bet loses. There is no house edge with Odds bets, so they pay true odds, as indicated below.

Unlike the original Pass and Come bets, all unresolved Odds bets can be removed or modified between rolls. Pass Odds and Don't Pass Odds bets are always resolved at the end of a round, but Come Odds and Don't Come Odds are only resolved when the Come Point or a 7 is rolled, so they may persist through the end of a round. Thus they are active during a Come Out roll.

Pass Odds — A Pass Odds bet can be placed by clicking in the light shaded area on the extreme right of the Pass Line. If you want to take Pass Odds, you have to wait until the Point is established to place the bet. When no Pass Line bet is pending, clicking in this area will be inactive and will generate an error tone. Winning bet pays 2-to-1 if the Point is 4 or 10, pays 3-to-2 if the Point is 5 or 9 and pays 6-to-5 for Points of 6 or 8.
Don't Pass Odds — A Don't Pass Odds bet can be placed by clicking in the light shaded area on the extreme left of the horizontal Don't Pass Bar. If you want to take Don't Pass Odds, you have to wait until the Point is established to place the bet. When no Don't Pass bet is pending, clicking in this area will be inactive and will generate an error tone. Winning bet pays 1-to-2 when the Point is 4 or 10, 2:3 for Points of 5 or 9, and 5-to-6 on Points of 6 or 8. Remember that Don't Pass bets (both Line and Odds), win on a 7 and lose on the Point.

Come Odds — A Come Odds bet can be placed by clicking in the light shaded area above the Come bet in the numbered Come Point box. If you want to take Come Odds, you have to wait until the Come Point is established to place the bet. When no Come bet is pending, clicking in this area will be inactive and will generate an error tone. Winning bet pays 2-to-1 if the Come Point is 4 or 10, pays 3-to-2 if the Come Point is 5 or 9 and pays 6-to-5 for Come Points of 6 or 8.

Don't Come Odds — A Don't Come Odds bet can be placed by clicking in the light shaded portion of the top box above the Come Point number. If you want to take Don't Come Odds, you have to wait until the Come Point is established to place the bet. When no Don't Come bet is pending, clicking in this area will be inactive and will generate an error tone. Winning bet pays 1-to-2 when the Come Point is 4 or 10, 2-to-3 for Come Points of 5 or 9, and 5-to-6 on Come Points of 6 or 8. Remember that Don't Come bets (both Line and Odds), win on a 7 and lose on the Come Point.

Please note the difference between the payouts on Pass/Come Odds and Don't Pass/Don't Come Odds. When the Point is 5, a winning $12 Pass Odds bet will pay 3-to-2, and the player will get back $30 ($18 win + $12 bet). However, a winning $12 Don't Pass bet pays 2-to-3 when the Point is 5, so the payout is only $20 ($8 win + $12 bet).

Bet Activity Guide:

Bet Name Conditions or Restrictions State During
Come-Out Roll During Midgame
(Rolling for Point)
Pass Line
Must place before Come-Out roll.
Can't reduce or remove, but can increase after Point is set.
Always resolved at end of Round.
Re-bet with "LINE" button.
Active * Active
Don't Pass
Must place before Come-Out roll.
Always resolved at end of Round.
Re-bet with "LINE" button.
Active Active
Can't place until Point established.
Can't reduce or remove, but can increase after Come Point is set.
No new bets, but unresolved bets are Active Active
Don't Come
Can't place until Point established.
No new bets, but unresolved bets are Active Active
Field, Any Craps, Any Seven, Horn Bets, Elevens
One-roll only.
Re-bet with "ONE ROLL" button.
Active Active
Big, Hardways, Buy, Lay, Place
Active Active
Pass Odds, Don't Pass Odds
Must have pending Line bet.
Can bet up to 3x pending Line bet.
Not Available Active
Come Odds, Don't Come Odds
Must have pending Come/Don't Come bet on specific Come Point.
Can bet up to 3x pending Come/Don't Come bet.
Active Active
* Active means if bets are on the table, they may win or lose on next roll.

how to play Vegas Sic

@@@@@@@@@@Online Casino Las Vegas Sic Bo Rules

Sic Bo, known by some as Tai Sai, is an ancient Chinese game of chance. It may have originally used a pair of dice shaken between a plate and an overturned bowl, but today it commonly has 3 dice in a cage for tumbling. Extremely popular in Asian cultures, this exciting, engaging game is winning new converts in many casinos around the world.

Sic Bo is easy to play. The object is to pick the numbers or combinations that will appear on the dice when they come to rest after tumbling. There are 50 different ways to place bets, so you have plenty of choices with a range of payouts – some as high as 180-to-1.

To Play

Select chip values from the chips on the edge of the table.
Place your bets by left-clicking in the bet spots shown on the table to place chips. Right-click will remove chips. You can bet on as many spots as you like.
Click Spin when you have placed all your bets.
The dice will tumble for a few seconds. When they come to rest, the results will be shown and all bets settled.
Click Re-Bet to bet the same distribution of spots or place bets in a new arrangement.
Click Spin to play again.
Bet Options
Our Sic Bo table offers the following types of bets (from top to bottom):
Small Bet (Under 11)
Small bets win when the point total of the three dice is between 4 and 10 (also expressed as "Under 11"). The payout is 1-to-1 unless there is a low Triple (Triple 1s, 2s or 3s), in which case the Small bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the three dice that add up to point totals under 11, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Specific Double
To win a Specific Double bet, two of the three dice must show the Double you select. The payout is 10-to-1. There are six Specific Double bets you can make (and you can place bets on any or all of them for any spin). If the third dice also matches the Specific Double number (in other words, when the result is a Triple), the Specific Double bet still wins.

Specific Triple
To win a Specific Triple bet, all three of the dice must show the Specific Triple you select. The payout is 180-to-1. There are six Specific Triple bets you can make (and you can place bets on any or all of them for any spin).

Any Triple
To win the Any Triple bet, all three of the dice must show the same number, but it can be any of the six possible numbers. This bet wins on any triple result. The payout is 30-to-1.

Big Bet (Over 10)
Big bets win when the point total of the three dice is between 11 and 17 (also expressed as "Over 10"). The payout is 1:1 unless there is a high Triple (Triple 4s, 5s or 6s), in which case the Big bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the three dice that add up to point totals over 10, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Specific Total
To win a Specific Total bet, all three of the dice must add up to the Specific Total you select. The payout varies depending on the total selected, from 6-to-1 to 60-to-1 (as indicated in the table layout and the payout table below). There are fourteen Specific Total bets you can make: totals of 4 through 17 (and you can place bets on any or all of them for any spin). For any given spin, only one of the fourteen totals can win.

Pair Match
To win a Pair Match bet, two of the three of the dice must make the pair selected. The payout is 5-to-1 on each pair. There are fifteen Pair Match bets you can make (and you can place bets on any or all of them for any spin). Note that for a result with three singles (for example: 1, 4, 5), three of the Pair Match bets will win (in this example: 1&4, 1&5 and 4&5).

Numbers Bet
If you place a wager on any of the six numbered boxes in the "Numbers Bet" area at the bottom of the table layout (the largest die labeled one, two, three, four, five, or six) you will win according to how many of the three dice come up with the selected number.

Matching Number Payout
1 of 3 (a Single) 1:1
2 of 3 (a Double) 2:1
3 of 3 (a Triple) 10:1
Thus, if all three dice come up 4, any wager on the Number 4 die bet would pay 10-to-1. You can bet on as many individual Numbers as you like.


Bet Type Payout Max Bet
Small Bet (Under 11) 1:1 100
Specific Double 10:1 100
Specific Triple 180:1 10
Any Triple 30:1 50
Big Bet (Over 10) 1:1 100
Total = 4 60:1 25
Total = 5 30:1 50
Total = 6 18:1 75
Total = 7 12:1 100
Total = 8 8:1 100
Total = 9 7:1 100
Total = 10 6:1 100
Total = 11 6:1 100
Total = 12 7:1 100
Total = 13 8:1 100
Total = 14 12:1 100
Total = 15 18:1 100
Total = 16 30:1 50
Total = 17 60:1 25
Pair Match 5:1 100
Numbers – Single 1:1 100
Numbers – Double 2:1 100
Numbers – Triple 10:1 100
Game Controls

Spin Starts the cage spinning to tumble the dice. Spin is inactive until at least one bet has been placed on the table.

Re-Bet Places the same wager amounts on the same bets as you had for the previous Spin.

Clear Clears all wagers from the table and returns the amounts to your balance.

Chips Chips of various denominations are on the table edge. Clicking a chip sets the value of the chip attached to your cursor. When you left-click on a bet spot, the cursor will place a chip of that value on the spot. Additional left-clicks will add more chips of the same value. Right-clicks will remove chips.

Layout The table layout shows the various bets you can make. Left-click on a bet spot to place chips for a bet, right-click to remove chips. As you mouse-over various bet spots, a message will appear at the bottom-center of the control panel indicating the bet type for that spot.############

how to play Cyber Caribbean Stud Poker

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Online Casino Las Vegas Cyber Caribbean Stud Poker Rules

Cyber Caribbean Stud Poker is an online version of the five-card stud poker game popularized on cruise ships plying the sparkling blue Caribbean waters. Stud Poker is a fast paced game, easy to learn and fun to play. You play the hand you’re dealt – there is no draw in Stud – so you don't have to decide which cards to hold. All player hands are pitted against the dealer’s hand, not against each other. You "ante up", receive your hand and get a look at one of the dealer's cards. You then have the opportunity to fold or increase your bet to see if you beat the dealer’s hand.

Game Play:

Our Stud Poker is a multi-hand game, meaning you can play up to 3 hands at the same time. Simply place wagers in the betting circles to either side of the center seat if you want to play additional hands. It makes the game much more interesting and increases your chances of winning.

A player begins by placing a starting bet (“ante”) in the Ante circle and then clicking the Deal button.

Players are dealt five cards face up while the dealer is dealt four cards face down and one card face up. Players then evaluate their hands and decide on one of two options:

Fold – Play stops and the player loses the ante bet
Play – The player places an additional wager in the Bet area. Known as the "Back Bet", this must be double the amount of the Ante wager.
The dealer's hand is revealed and compared to the player's hand (if player's hand is still in play).

The dealer must qualify, however, with a hand consisting of an Ace and a King (Ace/King) or better. If the dealer fails to qualify, the player receives even money on the amount wagered on the Ante, while the Back Bet is a push (in other words, no money is paid on the additional wager made after the cards were dealt).

If the dealer qualifies with an Ace/King or better, and if the dealer's hand is higher than the player's hand, then the player loses both wagers (the Ante and the Back Bet). If the player's hand is higher than the dealer's hand, the player receives even money on the Ante wager and a bonus amount wagered for the Back Bet based on the following chart:

Player’s Hand Bonus Payout
One Pair or less 1:1
Two Pair 2:1
Three of a Kind 3:1
Straight 4:1
Flush 5:1
Full House 7:1
Four of a Kind 20:1
Straight Flush 50:1
Royal Flush 100:1
In the case of a Tie, where the player’s hand is of equal rank with the dealer’s hand, both bets are a push (neither paid nor taken).

Players can participate in the optional Progressive Jackpot. The amount of the current Jackpot is reflected in the upper right-hand corner of the table.

The progressive Jackpot wager is $1.00 per hand. To participate, insert a $1 chip into the slot above the Ante circle at your seat.

Regardless of the outcome of the poker hand, any player holding a Jackpot hand who has wagered the Progressive Jackpot will receive a bonus for that hand according to the following chart:

Player’s Hand Bonus Payout
Flush $50
Full House $100
Four of a Kind $500
Straight Flush 10% of Jackpot
Royal Flush 100% of Jackpot

Royal Flush
The highest ranking hand possible. An Ace, King, Queen, Jack and 10 of the same suit. Starting with an Ace, all five cards are in sequence and in a common suit.

Example: A, K, Q, J, 10

Straight Flush
Five cards both in sequence and common suit, but not starting with an Ace.
Example: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6

Four of a Kind
Four cards of the same rank.
Example: 5, 5, 5, 5, 2

Full House
Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank.
Example: K, K, K, 4, 4

Five cards of same suit.
Example: K, J, 9, 6, 3

Five cards in sequence (Aces may be used high or low).
Example: 5, 4, 3, 2, A

Three of a Kind
Three cards of same rank.
Example: 9, 9, 9, A, 8

Two Pair
Two groups of two cards of same rank.
Example: 4, 4, J, J, A

One Pair
Two cards of the same rank.
Example: 8, 4, J, J, A

High Card
The rank of hands containing less than one pair is determined by the highest ranking card.
Example: A , K , 9 , 6 , 3 
Game Controls

Deal — Starts the game by dealing a hand to each player who placed an Ante bet and to the dealer. Deal is inactive until at least one Ante circle has at least a minimum bet.

Re-Bet — Places the same wager amounts on the same Ante circles as you had for the previous hand. If you wish, you may modify these amounts prior to clicking the Deal button.

Clear — Clears all wagers from the table and returns the amounts to your balance.

Once the Deal button is clicked, these first three controls disappear and cards are dealt to each player position with an Ante bet. Then the following two controls appear at each position in turn, starting from right to left.

Play — Keeps this hand in the game and automatically places the Back Bet (2 times the Ante bet) in the Bet circle (deducting that amount from your balance). Play passes to the next position or, if this is the last position, the dealer’s hand is revealed to determine win/lose/tie for any hands that did not fold.

Fold — Ends the hand for this position and the player loses the Ante bet. Play passes to the next position or, if this is the last position, the dealer’s hand is revealed to determine win/lose/tie for any hands that did not fold.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

how to play Chuck-A-Luck

Online Casino Chuck-A-Luck Rules
Chuck-A-Luck is a lively game where three dice tumble in a spinning cage and you place wagers on how many dice will come up with your chosen number when the cage stops spinning. It probably originated in British Pubs many years ago and started without cages. Instead, gamblers used a horn-shaped chute made of leather or metal to "chuck" the 3 dice across a table and then take their "luck" on how they landed.

An interesting footnote to this is that metal chutes were easier to fashion than leather ones – with tin being cheaper than brass – and enterprising patrons who set up games with little money and a metal chute were called "tin-horned gamblers".

Today, Chuck-A-Luck is a popular game at carnivals, fund raisers and many first-class casinos around the world. It's fun and easy to learn, so beginners take to it quickly, yet the simple premise offers the excitement and high payout that keeps seasoned players coming back for more.
Game Play

The dice are standard six-sided cubes, with sides numbered 1 through 6 (represented as a corresponding number of dots). There are three dice and they are tumbled together in an hour-glass shaped cage that spins around it's horizontal axis. Players place bets by moving chips into various boxes on the table.

The cage cannot start spinning until at least one bet has been placed on the board. Players can click the Spin button to start it as soon as they've finished placing bets.

At that point all bets must stand. Several seconds later the cage stops spinning and the dice come to rest at the bottom of the cage. The resulting numbers are taken off the top face of each dice to determine the winning bets.

Our Chuck-A-Luck table offers six different ways to make bets:

Numbers Bet
Field Bet
High Bet (Over 10)
Low Bet (Under 11)
Odd Bet
Even Bet
Numbers Bet
If you place a wager on any of the six numbered boxes in the "Numbers Bet" area (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) you will win according to how many of the 3 dice come up with that number on their top surface when they come to rest.
Matching Dice Payoff
1 (a Single) 1:1
2 (a Double) 2:1
3 (a Triple) 10:1
Thus, if all three dice come up with the number 4, any wager on the Number 4 bet would pay 10 to 1. You can bet on as many individual Numbers as you like.

All of the remaining five bet types are based on the sum of the Numbers showing on the 3 dice. Thus, a result with a 5, a 2 and a 4 would yield a point total of 11. Point totals can range from 3 (triple 1's) to 18 (triple 6's).

Field Bet

If you place your wager in the "Field Bet" area then you are betting that all three dice will add up to one of the numbers featured on the Field. It doesn't matter where on the Field you place your chips. If the point total of the 3 dice adds up to any one of the numbers shown on the Field, you will be paid 1:1 on your wager.

High Bet (Over 10)

If you place chips in the High box, then you are wagering that the sum total of the 3 dice will be greater than 10. The payoff is 1:1 unless there is a high Triple (12, 15 or 18), in which case the High bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the 3 dice that add up to Over 10, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Low Bet (Under 11)

If you place chips in the Low box, then you are wagering that the sum total of the 3 dice will be less than 11. The payoff is 1:1 unless there is a low Triple (3, 6 or 9), in which case the Low bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the 3 dice that add up to Under 11, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Odd Bet

If you place chips in the Odd box, then you are wagering that the sum total of the 3 dice will be an Odd number. The payoff is 1:1 unless there is an Odd Triple (3, 9 or 15), in which case the Odd bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the 3 dice that add up to Odd numbers, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Even Bet

If you place chips in the Even box, then you are wagering that the sum total of the 3 dice will be an Even number. The payoff is 1:1 unless there is an even Triple (6, 12 or 18), in which case the Even bet loses. There are 108 possible combinations of the 3 dice that add up to Even numbers, and only 3 of them are Triples.

Game Controls

Spin Starts the cage spinning to tumble the dice. Spin is inactive until at least one bet has been placed on the table.
Re-Bet Places the same wager amounts on the same bets as you had for the previous Spin.
Clear Clears all wagers from the table and returns the amounts to your balance.

How to play Scratch Ticket


Online Casino Las Vegas Scratch Ticket Rules

Scratch Ticket is a fun casino game based on familiar lottery tickets. Lottery games have been around for much of human history, dating back to the time of the Caesars in Europe and the Hun Dynasty in China. The term "lottery" is believed to come from the Italian lotto, meaning destiny or fate.

In 1974, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States developed the first "scratch" lottery ticket. This enabled pre-printed tickets to be safely distributed to thousands of purchase points around the state, making it easy and convenient for people to play anywhere. Players soon had the thrill of revealing their numbers by scratching off a coating or film with a coin and knowing instantly how much they'd won. Scratch tickets became so popular, they quickly spread to every corner of the world. Now, you can enjoy the same thrill of playing a scratch ticket anytime with our exciting online game.

Game Play:

It’s called Treasure Island Scratch Ticket, and you get to dig for buried treasure!

First, purchase a scratch ticket by placing chips in the golden bowl on the table (“Place Bets”). The value of the ticket is equal to the amount of your bet. You can bet from $2 to $5 on each ticket. The more you bet, the higher your reward when you win.

Your scratch ticket is the map, which contains 16 hidden sections just brimming with buried treasure. Each section contains a piece of one of the fabulous jeweled treasures (artifacts) shown on the left side of the screen. If you uncover enough pieces to complete one of these treasures, you win that artifact’s multiplier times the value of your ticket. With a $5 ticket, you can win as much as $5000!

To start the game, press the PLAY button. Your mouse pointer will turn into a shovel. To dig up the buried treasure, scratch off the map sections by moving the shovel back and forth over the map, or bring the shovel to a section and left-click the mouse to clear that section. (Alternatively, you can simply click the SCRATCH OFF button and the map will be cleared for you).

As each section is uncovered, the buried jewel hidden beneath will fly to it’s artifact pattern and snap into place. If you find all FOUR unique parts to piece together a complete artifact, you win! Each artifact has a different multiplier (1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, 100x and 1000x), and you will be paid that multiplier times the amount of your bet when you get a complete artifact.

For example, if you purchase a $5 ticket (by putting a $5 bet in the bowl), and you find all four pieces of the Skull artifact (10x), you will be paid 10x $5 = $50. If you find all four pieces of the Anchor artifact (1000x), you win $5000!

Good luck and happy digging!

How to play Roulette

@@@@Monte Carlo Roulette comes from the French term for “small wheel”. Variations of wheeled games have been around for millennia. Legend has it that Roman soldiers tipped their chariots over to play games on the spinning wheel as a diversion between campaigns, and others tell of monks bringing a wheeled game back from China in the middle ages. By all accounts, roulette became widespread in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries, especially in France and Monte Carlo.
Today, the Monte Carlo roulette wheel is perhaps the best internationally recognized icon symbolizing the glamour, excitement and prestige of high-class casino gaming.

Monte Carlo Roulette wheels are divided into 37 evenly spaced slots numbered 0, and 1 through 36. The zero slot is green and the other numbers are either red or black. The evenly balanced wheel, usually made of polished wood, turns on a spindle. The dealer spins the wheel in one direction and releases a small ivory ball in the opposite direction into the outer edge of the wheel, where it circles many times before slowing down. As the ball loses momentum it falls toward the center of the wheel and drops into one of the slots. It may bounce around from slot to slot but eventually it settles into a single slot to end that round of the game.

The fascination of the table game comes from the many ways to place a bet and the excitement and anticipation of watching the ball fall into a slot.
Game Play:

Players make bets against the House by placing chips in various boxes or on the lines between the boxes on the layout table.

The “Spin” button will not become active until at least one bet is placed on the layout. Players can place additional bets, modify existing bets or move chips from one location to another. The “Re-bet” button will place the same amount of chips on the same bets as you had on the previous spin. Once all desired bets are placed, players click the “Spin” button to spin up the wheel and release the ball. After a few seconds, the ball begins to fall toward the center as the wheel slows down. When the ball comes to rest in one of the slots all bets are settled.

The result of each spin is displayed in the tally board on the left side of your screen, with most recent results appearing at the bottom.

Losing bets will be cleared from the layout and winning bets will be paid according to the following table:

Roulette Payout Table

Inside Bets Odds Paid
Single number 35:1
Split (two numbers) 17:1
Row (three numbers) 11:1
Triple (three numbers) 11:1
Corner (four numbers) 8:1
Top Line (First 4 numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3) 8:1
Line (six numbers in two adjacent Rows) 5:1

Outside Bets Odds Paid
1st, 2nd or 3rd Column (12 numbers) 2:1
1st, 2nd or 3rd Dozen 2:1
Red or Black 1:1
Odd or Even 1:1
Low Half (1-18) or High Half (19-36) 1:1
Inside Bets are bets placed inside the grid of numbers on the layout table. They include:

Single — placing a bet on individual numbers (like 0, 4, 23 or 35). Winning singles bets are paid at 35-to-1.
Split — placing a bet on the line between two numbers (like 2 & 3, or 13 & 16). If the ball lands on either number, the odds paid are 17-to-1.
Row — placing a bet on the first vertical line in a horizontal row of three numbers (like 7, 8, 9). If the ball lands in any one of the numbers in a row, the odds paid are 11-to-1.
Triple – placing a bet on three touching numbers. The only triple bets are the intersections of (0, 1, 2) or (2, 3, 0). If the ball lands in any one of the numbers touching a triple intersection, the odds paid are 11-to-1.
Corner — placing a bet on the corner of a group of four numbers (such as 19, 20, 22, 23). If the ball lands on any one of the four numbers, odds are paid at 8-to-1.
Top Line — the first 4 numbers at the top of the grid (0, 1, 2, 3). If the ball lands in any one of these four spots, odds are paid at 8-to-1. To make this bet, place your chips on the left-hand side of the grid at the horizontal line separating the 0 spot from the 1, 2, 3 row.
Line — is a group of six numbers in two adjacent rows, all touching the same grid line. For example, 28, 29, 30 and 31, 32, 33 make up a Line. If the ball lands on any one of the six numbers in the Line, odds are paid at 5-to-1. To make a Line bet, place your chips on the horizontal street line at the left-hand edge of the grid.
Outside Bets are bets placed outside the grid of numbers on the layout table. They include:
Columns — a vertical column of numbers in the grid (for example; 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36). You place your bet outside the grid at the bottom of the column, in the boxes marked with "2 to 1". If any one of the numbers in the column comes up, odds are paid at 2-to-1. Zero (0) is not part of any column.
Dozens — either the first, second or third dozen non-zero numbers (1-12, 13-24 and 25-36, respectively). If the ball lands in one of the twelve numbers in a dozen, the odds paid are 2-to-1.
Red/Black — bet on whether the winning number is red or black. Winning bets are paid at 1-to-1.
Odd/Even — bet on whether the winning number is odd or even (excluding 0). Winning bets are paid at 1-to-1.
High/Low — bet on whether the winning number is in the low half (1-18) or the high half (19-36). Winning bets are paid at 1-to-1.
For example, if you have a winning bet of $20 on a single number (paid at 35-to-1) you will get back your original bet of $20 plus 35 times your bet of $20 ($700) for a total win of $720. As another example, if you have a winning bet of $100 on color Red (1-to-1 odds), you will get back your original bet of $100 plus another $100 for a total win of $200.
Players cannot wager more than the maximum for any particular bet in any one round of the game. Roulette has two sets of maximum limits: one for inside bets and one for outside bets (see Bet Type Table below). Minimum and maximum limits are posted at the bottom center of the screen. Note that you can wager the maximum on more than one bet per spin.

Monte Carlo Roulette Bet Type Table

Inside Bets
Single number
Split (two numbers)
Row (three numbers)
Corner (four numbers)
Top Line (First 4 numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3)
Line (six numbers in two adjacent Rows)
Outside Bets
1st, 2nd or 3rd Column (12 numbers)
1st, 2nd or 3rd Dozen
Red or Black
Odd or Even
Low Half (1-18) or High Half (19-36)
The chips placed on the table layout below give an example of each bet:

How to play Slots Machines

%%%%%%Online Casino Slots Rules

A man named Charles Fey developed the first commercially successful slot machine in his San Francisco machine shop around 1896. Made of cast iron with three internal reels, a slot for taking in coins and an external lever for activating the machine, it quickly became a staple of saloons, gambling houses and even many retail stores (where patrons would trade their winnings for goods from the store – hence the term "trade goods").

Each reel has a number of symbols on it (typically 10 to 20 – but it varies greatly depending on the machine), and pulling the lever causes the reels to spin quickly. When the reels slow down independently, each will randomly display one of the symbols through a viewing window in the machine. Depending on the combination of symbols showing, the player will win different payout amounts – often many times the original bet.

Game Play:

To play the slot machine ( one armed bandit ) just drop Casino chips into the slot and pull the handle (by clicking on it) or click the SPIN button to rotate the reels. The reels will spin independently and then come to rest randomly on various symbols at the Play Line (a horizontal line running across the reels). If the reels stop at a winning combination according to the posted payout table, the machine will pay out the indicated amount by increasing your coin credits (shown as a CREDIT meter on the machine face).

You can drop as many Casino chips as you wish into the slot. Putting chips in the slot increases your coin credits based on the coin setting for the machine and the dollar value of the chips. Each slot machine can be set to play $0.25 coins, $1 coins or $5 coins. If you put a $10 Casino chip in a slot machine with a $1 coin setting, your coin credits will be 10. If you change the coin setting to $0.25, your coin credits will increase to 40 (for a $10 chip).

The number of coins bet per game (a pull or spin) can range from a minimum of 1 coin to a maximum of 3 coins. The setting for the number of coins bet per game is shown in the COINS BET meter. The machine sets Coins Bet to 1 by default. If you want to bet two coins, click BET ONE to increase your bet by one coin. (If you click it again, your bet goes to 3 coins, and once more will bring the bet back to 1 coin). You can click BET MAX to set Coins Bet to 3. Once you set the Coins Bet number, the machine will use this value for each pull or spin until you change it to another value.

Payouts are as shown in the payout table at the top of each slot machine game. We have a variety of slots games, each with unique themes and different payout tables. The payout tables have rows containing the payout amounts for various winning combinations of reel symbols at the Play Line. Each combination has 3 possible payout amounts, depending on the number in the Coins Bet meter. As you change the Coins Bet value, the vertical column of payout amounts for that Coins Bet number will be highlighted.

When you are finished playing, you can click COINS OUT to exchange your coin Credits for Casino chips. As the coins come out of the machine, the number of Credits will be multiplied by the coin value setting ($0.25, $1 or $5) and the resulting amount will be added to your Casino Account balance.

Each slot machine game offers exciting, fast-paced fun. Be sure to try them all!


how to play blackjack 21


Online Casino Las  21 Rules

Blackjack is a very popular game that probably originated in 16th Century France as vingt-et-un (20 and 1), hence its other name "21". It gained the English name Blackjack since a player who held the Ace of Spades (i.e. a Black spade) and the Jack of Spades as the first two cards would be paid out extra, and the gambler's penchant for easy rhymes took over (think "chuck-a-luck", "acey-duecy").

The object of the game is to get as close to 21 without going over ("bust").

Game Play:
Players will place their wagers in the center of the betting circle in front of their seat at the table. The dealer will then deal two cards, face up, to each Player and two to himself, one face up and one face down.

Our Blackjack is a multi-hand game, meaning you can play up to 3 hands at the same time. Simply place wagers in the betting circles to either side of the center seat if you want to play additional hands. It makes the game much more interesting and increases your chances of winning.

Card values:

Kings, Queens, Jacks, and 10's each count as 10.
Aces count as 1 or 11, as a player wishes.
All other cards count at their face value (i.e. 2 through 9).
If a Player’s first two cards are an Ace and a 10 value card, the Player has Blackjack and will be paid one and one-half times the wager (3-to-2), unless the Dealer also has Blackjack – in which case it’s a push (bet neither paid nor taken). All other winning hands are paid even money (1-to-1).

A Blackjack will beat a point total of "21". For example, an Ace and a 10-value card will beat a 10, 5, 6 hand. Even though both hands total 21 points, the Blackjack wins.

The Player not having Blackjack may continue to draw cards attempting to total as close to 21 as possible without exceeding 21. He is free to stand at any point total or to ask for another card (a “hit”) at any point total under 21. If the Player goes over 21, he busts and loses his wager.

Dealer must hit on all totals of 16 or less. Dealer must stand on all totals of 17 or more.

Blackjack Terminology and Game Controls

Place a number of chips in the betting circle as a wager.

Place the same number of chips in the betting circle as you did for the previous hand.

Play a hand of Blackjack for the wager placed in the betting circle. Clicking "DEAL" starts the game and commits the wager to the outcome.

Request an additional card from the deck.

Take no additional cards.
The Player will match the original wager and split the first two cards into two separate hands. The two cards must be of the same point value (for example: a pair of 8's, a King and a Queen, etc.) For split hands, an Ace and ten-point card equal to "21" and not Blackjack – in other words, they don’t pay 3-to-2, but they will beat a Dealer hand that has 20 points or less. Also, after splitting a pair of Aces, the Player will draw only one card per Ace.

The “DOUBLE” button will become active after the first two cards have been dealt to each hand. Players who feel confident that they are going to win this hand can “Double Down” to earn twice as much if they do win by clicking DOUBLE. Their original bet amount will be doubled automatically and they will receive exactly one additional card. Double Down wagering is not permitted on a Blackjack hand because you would automatically bust when you received the additional card.
When the dealer's up card is an Ace, all Players have an opportunity to buy "insurance", an additional amount equal to half of that Player's original wager, before any further play begins. A Player may purchase insurance when he/she believes that the dealer's down card is a ten value card. If the Dealer has Blackjack, the insurance wager pays 2-to-1. If the dealer does not have Blackjack, the insurance wager loses and the game continues as usual.

Do not accept the insurance offered on this hand. If Pass is clicked and the Dealer has Blackjack, the player loses his original wager and play ends for this hand (unless Player also has Blackjack, in which case it's a push). If Dealer does not have Blackjack, play for this hand continues as normal.

How to play Baccarat

Online Casino  Baccarat Rules

Baccarat is an exciting card game that was a featured plot device in the James Bond novel Casino Royale by Ian Flemming. It originated in Italy during the middle ages and derives its name from the Italian word for "zero", because the face cards and Tens – which normally are high value cards in most games – are counted as zero in Baccarat. At some point it migrated to France where it was embraced by the aristocracy. Today, Baccarat is a favorite game of high rollers and famous gamers around the world.

The object is to bet on which of two hands (the "Player" or the "Banker") will have a score closest to 9. You can bet on either hand – or you can bet on a tie.

Dealing and Scoring

Baccarat is played with eight decks of cards, shuffled and placed in a "shoe". Each hand will receive at least two cards, but no more than three. The first and third cards dealt from the shoe constitute the Player's hand and the second and forth cards constitute the Banker's hand. If required, a third card is dealt to either hand according to specific rules outlined in the charts below. All cards are dealt face up.

Card values are:

Face cards and tens count as 0;
Aces count as 1,
All other cards count as face value.
The score of each Hand is the last digit of the sum of the card values in the hand. Thus, a hand with an 8 and a 9 would have a score of 7 (since 8 + 9 = 17). This is why Tens and Face cards count as zero – only the last digit counts, so a 10 has a value of zero. The scores will always range from 0 to 9 and, unlike Blackjack, it is impossible to bust.
Examples of point scoring:

Example 1: 9 + 0 = 9, the score of this hand is 9.

Example 2: 4 + 0 + 9 = 13, the score of the hand is 3.

A Natural
Since the object of each hand is to get as close to 9 as possible, getting a score of 8 or 9 with the first two cards is a good thing. This is called a "natural", and if EITHER hand scores a natural, BOTH hands must stand. Naturally (pardon the pun), the only score that will beat a natural 8 is a natural 9.

Game Play

Two cards are dealt face up to both the Player and the Banker. If one hand has a natural, that hand wins. If both hands have a natural, the higher natural wins. If both hands have the same natural, it's a tie.

If neither the Player nor the Banker has a natural, then play goes to the Player.

The Player's hand stands on a score of 6 or 7. If the score is less than 6, the Player draws one card and receives a new score based on the value of all three cards.

Rules of Play for Player

When the Player's first two cards total: Player Action
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DRAW
6, 7 STAND
8, 9 STAND (natural)
Now it is the Banker's turn. When the Player stands on 6 or 7 (and therefore did not draw a third card), the Banker's play is quite straightforward. The Banker must draw on scores of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 and stand on 6 or 7.
Rules of Play for Banker when Player Stands on 6 or 7

When the Banker's first two cards total: Banker Action
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DRAW
6, 7 STAND
8, 9 STAND (natural)
However, if the Player did draw a third card, the Banker's play gets more interesting. In this case, the Banker stands on a score of 7 but draws or stands on scores of 6 or less depending on the value of the Player's THIRD CARD (not on the score of the Player's HAND). The rules governing whether the Banker draws or stands are as follows:
Rules of Play for Banker when Player Draws a Third Card

Score Player's Third Card
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 S S S S S S S S S S
6 S S S S S S D D S S
5 S S S S D D D D S S
4 S S D D D D D D S S
3 D D D D D D D D S D
2 D D D D D D D D D D
1 D D D D D D D D D D
0 D D D D D D D D D D

The hand with the highest score closest to nine wins.
Winning bets on the Player's hand are paid at 1-to-1.
Winning bets on the Banker's hand are also paid at 1-to-1. However, a winning Banker bet pays a 5% commission to the House. Each time you win when betting on the Banker, 5% of the winning amount is automatically deducted from your Account balance.
If both hands result in equal scores, the Tie bet wins, paying 8-to-1. When a tie occurs, all bets on either the Player or the Banker are a push (neither paid nor taken).